Friday, May 24, 2024

If We Don't Stop


Sticks and Stones - Art of Play
If We Don't Stop

If we don't stop
From time to time
Pick up stones
And put them in a line
Then a circle
Or a pile
Or move'm around
For just a little while
If we don't stop
We're gonna break down
Take some time
Move some stones around

If we don't stop
And go down to the water
Take our sisters and brothers
Sons and daughters
And splash about
Or also swim
Just dip our toes
Or go all the way in
If we don't stop
We're going to get hurt
Lay yourself down
ride out in the surf

If we don't stop
And walk into the woods
And remember it's here
That it's also good
Hold a leaf
Watch a little bug
Find a big old tree
A give'r a big old hug
If we don't stop
We will end up alone
Because we can't know where we are
Until we find our way home

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