Thursday, September 12, 2024

Comfortable Being Lost?

In Process
 I came to the realization the

other day that it seem like if you 

create or want to own abstract art 

you have to be comfortable with 

being lost. The image to the right

is being worked on at the writing 

of this blog post. It is in process, 

that is not its title. I keep adding 

elements and I am never sure 

where it will go next. I tend 

to spend long moments just staring 

at it and then all of a sudden adding something. 

It is as if I was lost in the woods with several directions I could

go in and then I just choose and go. With so many choices of

directions I could go in I think that is what keeps me making

art. Once I finish one piece with all its directional choices I start

over saying well let's take a different path.

So the next time you are looking at an abstract piece of art 

ask yourself am I comfortable with being lost or do I need the 

way to be clear. The art is not just about the artist, it is also 

about you.

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