Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Lost Myself

All the pictures on the wall are about you, not beyond you. When we look at images of any kind, art, advertising, television, we are looking at reflections of our collective living. It is why we began with cave paintings that reflected back to us moments of glory, ceremony or mundane life. These images serve to hold or even define our reality and give us our individual as well as collective sense of self. Today the images on the walls of our cave come in Hi-Def with surround sound. I think we are seeing our selves almost too clearly and are now hypnotized by this alternate (and fabricated) reality.

Not all images give you clear feeling
Photo title "decay"

Now all this thinking came to me with the ending of the ABC series “Lost”. Here was a show whose title referred more to the condition of the viewer than the show. The show's mission was to leave you more and more confused each week, and it achieved that. I have heard from a number of people who think the show ended without wrapping up loose ends and making it crystal clear what was going on. I think this is a metaphor for life. How often when a life comes to an end is everything in perfect order?

Are you here or always looking beyond?

Photo title "pretending to be alone"

If I look at the TVshow "LOST" as I might a cave painting, it’s asking me many questions.
Am I aware, truly aware, of the life I am in? Are there “hatches” I need to open or keep closed with in myself? Am I spending all my moments counting down and then resetting just to count down again? Am I trying to hard to fix everything? How do I know when to let go? And is my obsession with where I am going getting in the way of being where I am? I could go on and on but I plan to walk away from this Hi-Def cave painting happy with the questions it has left with me, about myself, not the plot.
Just let it go.
Please note this blogger is still watching TV on a non-digital set. One day I'll go Hi-Def. For now I just pretend.

Jeff off the island

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