Wednesday, May 29, 2024

A Life Principal

I am not buying that

When I was young I played with dirt, rocks, sticks and sand
and I made worlds for my plastic animals and cars to dwell.
It was all called play, but at the time I worked at making the worlds 
a little bit better each time I engaged in the activity.
I think I can say that this is where my passion for building and creating
began: the sandbox.

The computer age was a whole new sandbox or place to play.
I have spent many hours exploring its applications to music, sound,
video and photography. The image above is a combination of two 
photographs. They are colorized, layered, cropped, smeared and had 
different filters added to them. I did this time and time again. The 
thought I keep coming to is, was this work or play? If I ever sell this 
image it becomes labeled as work, because I made a profit. As it lives 
here in the computer world (never having been printed) can it be called 
artwork or is it artplay? Even my computer spell check recognizes the 
word artwork but not artplay. I just added it to my dictionary. I will be 
contacting Mr. Webster. 

My whole struggle is play gets a bad rap. I see play as the foundation 
or starting point of work. You play with something until you build enough 
skill to consider it work. Then the word practice enters in. So maybe the 
life progression is play, practice, work. I guess what I am advocating for 
is a life long continual return to play. I believe it is important for the 
grown-up community to constantly find new experiences of play.

Life principal #(not yet established) - Find new materials to play with 
in a non-competitive manner. An activity that brings you joy with no 
specific result. That is Play.


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