Wednesday, December 11, 2024

Pictures in Trees

 I believe that the natural world has a consciousness

Sometimes it says hello

And then sometimes I take it farther

This is an image created on my phone

Looking out the

window I snapped

this picture

Thought I saw

a face

so I drew a face

My Camera has all

these filters

so I add some to my


up top is what I got

I think my Phone 

has a


Monday, December 9, 2024

Across the Line

Across the Line


There is no line
but the one I create in my mind
This universe is your universe
This universe is my universe
And yet there is truly no you and I
No your and my 
for we are one
We are together the consciousness of this universe
I am working at realizing this
it is a life long work

Saturday, October 19, 2024

More Connection Image

There are lines

we don't always see.

They connect us

to each other

and our many planes

of existence.

These are the lines

I have made visible

as they move between

the planes.

I do not see them

I only feel them, 

then imagine them.

We are connected.

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Comfortable Being Lost?

In Process
 I came to the realization the

other day that it seem like if you 

create or want to own abstract art 

you have to be comfortable with 

being lost. The image to the right

is being worked on at the writing 

of this blog post. It is in process, 

that is not its title. I keep adding 

elements and I am never sure 

where it will go next. I tend 

to spend long moments just staring 

at it and then all of a sudden adding something. 

It is as if I was lost in the woods with several directions I could

go in and then I just choose and go. With so many choices of

directions I could go in I think that is what keeps me making

art. Once I finish one piece with all its directional choices I start

over saying well let's take a different path.

So the next time you are looking at an abstract piece of art 

ask yourself am I comfortable with being lost or do I need the 

way to be clear. The art is not just about the artist, it is also 

about you.

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Summer Project

 I spent my summer on a different art form. The art of crafting built-in bookshelves, radiator covers and Built-in Benches. This is actually what I do to make a living and it is truly an art form. I still prefer more colorful and abstract forms of creativity, but people rarely want that in a bookshelf.

The Bookshelf is like an alter in the home. It is often the place that defines you. It tells visitor, "this is who I am." Besides holding books that interest you or have shaped your life, it holds momentous of travels, pictures of loved ones or art that inspires you.

In the long process of a job this size I often have to remind myself I am making a place for a family to be and be comfortable. As an artist I find it difficult to make box after box, which is what cabinet making is, and not get board. Remembering I am making a home more comfortable for others is often what I use to keep me going.


Monday, August 5, 2024

Cloudy Waters

Cloudy Waters


This is a Photo taken with a cell phone. Clouds reflecting in the water enhanced by a filter that Out lined the ripples on the water. The straight lines at the bottom are vibrations from my kayak. I really enjoy the reflected world.

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

 If I Gain Clarity I will let You Know

The need to create
 is not always clear
Sometimes what one creates
is not always clear
I have a strong need or desire 
to create
to make things that are not clear 
and that look like no identifiable object or image
I am looking through the abstract
for something I might recognize
Yet I have no idea what I am looking for
It is one of those
I will know it when I find it 
For now I just enjoy the process
and I hope others enjoy the product
I will let you know 
when I gain clarity

Saturday, June 29, 2024

Father's Day Collaboration

I did another collaboration. On Fathers day I told my family I wanted to paint. So I had them all come over, I put out three primed panels and a bunch of paint and brushes and said pick a color, put a few marks on then pick another color and so on till we fill all three boards. The panel here is the smallest of the three. So once it was dry I started to draw into it.

This is the panel before draw-in


 On this panel I had added a few small pre-painted paper scraps that I glued in before my crew painted. They are the parts with finer detail. This is the panel after I started the draw-in.
I then decided on the second panel(not shown) to add more pre-painted scraps after the crew painted. I will try and do a post with all three of the Father's Day collaborations.

I really enjoy the feeling of connection when allowing others to create the base. I am working now at trying to move beyond just out lining color and to create a feeling of a story or many stories being told at once.
This becomes more of a depiction of our jumbled stories tangling with one another. This is the true challenge of life. How do we make all these stories move together?

                             The panel after draw-in

Friday, June 14, 2024

Of The Beauty

Catch It

Grabbing hold of evening's final light
I can use it to glow in the last dance of the day.
I shall allow the evening's breeze 
to gently toss these limbs in circles around my stance.
I once raced to the sky
now I will bend back toward the earth
and be of the beauty all the way.

Wednesday, June 12, 2024


A collection
of moments
held in paint
Each stroke of paint
 holds a little story, 
vibration of life
 fragment of thought.
a sign of still
being here

I am here
till I do this no longer
I will be a vibration
for tomorrow
a fragment
of lingering

paint me
sing me
dance me

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

The Surge

 The Surge

If the spirit is allowed to take root
It winds its way among us like a vine
Entangling us
Enfolding us
Sweeping us up
In its surge
Toward the divine

Sunday, June 9, 2024

Caught Up In It!

Eye See

I keep finding myself

caught in the movement

of line and color.

Sometimes I define myself as the line,

probably a control thing.

The color seems so out of control.

Is it the line that defines the color

or does the color simply allow the line

a place to be?

The color says, "sure, outline me, 

run lines through me, 

shade me in, 

you can even black me out!"

The color does not care.

The color knows it is there

and in control,

I think.

Still caught up in it 

so I don't really know

what's going on.

Random thought brought to you by art play.

Wednesday, June 5, 2024


 On My Way Into Town

This is a new thing.
I let people paint what ever they want on a board or canvas.
Then I draw into it. 

I love this!
I am free of the color placement and surprised by where the line goes.

It is a collaboration.

Below is a section of the above work before I drew into it.
I started two friends off, with a few strokes of red and green and then walked away.
A true collaboration of play.

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

A Life Principal

I am not buying that

When I was young I played with dirt, rocks, sticks and sand
and I made worlds for my plastic animals and cars to dwell.
It was all called play, but at the time I worked at making the worlds 
a little bit better each time I engaged in the activity.
I think I can say that this is where my passion for building and creating
began: the sandbox.

The computer age was a whole new sandbox or place to play.
I have spent many hours exploring its applications to music, sound,
video and photography. The image above is a combination of two 
photographs. They are colorized, layered, cropped, smeared and had 
different filters added to them. I did this time and time again. The 
thought I keep coming to is, was this work or play? If I ever sell this 
image it becomes labeled as work, because I made a profit. As it lives 
here in the computer world (never having been printed) can it be called 
artwork or is it artplay? Even my computer spell check recognizes the 
word artwork but not artplay. I just added it to my dictionary. I will be 
contacting Mr. Webster. 

My whole struggle is play gets a bad rap. I see play as the foundation 
or starting point of work. You play with something until you build enough 
skill to consider it work. Then the word practice enters in. So maybe the 
life progression is play, practice, work. I guess what I am advocating for 
is a life long continual return to play. I believe it is important for the 
grown-up community to constantly find new experiences of play.

Life principal #(not yet established) - Find new materials to play with 
in a non-competitive manner. An activity that brings you joy with no 
specific result. That is Play.


Saturday, May 25, 2024

Found This Today

 This is my drawing

and this is my photo

I layered them together

some time ago

I have no memory of doing this

but I found it today

I like it


I am letting go the structure

that has held me strong.

There is truer strength

in a yellow flower dancing 

in the meadow's breeze

Friday, May 24, 2024

If We Don't Stop


Sticks and Stones - Art of Play
If We Don't Stop

If we don't stop
From time to time
Pick up stones
And put them in a line
Then a circle
Or a pile
Or move'm around
For just a little while
If we don't stop
We're gonna break down
Take some time
Move some stones around

If we don't stop
And go down to the water
Take our sisters and brothers
Sons and daughters
And splash about
Or also swim
Just dip our toes
Or go all the way in
If we don't stop
We're going to get hurt
Lay yourself down
ride out in the surf

If we don't stop
And walk into the woods
And remember it's here
That it's also good
Hold a leaf
Watch a little bug
Find a big old tree
A give'r a big old hug
If we don't stop
We will end up alone
Because we can't know where we are
Until we find our way home

Thursday, May 23, 2024

So Who Am I

 Directional Mistake

 I use to listen to my brain.
Then I found out my brain is not me.
My brain is a machine
running a program.
A program designed to keep me alive
while in use of this body.

So who am I?
I am the true self.
The silent, the stillness.
The light that always burns.
I was there before this life began
and will continue on once this body stops,
but I will no longer be an "I" then.
Knowledge, selfless, no need to be.
Reconnected with the awareness
or love that has always been there.

So as I continue my experience
with this "I" and this body
I need to learn to manage this brain.
To know when to listen to it
and when to disregard its direction.
Also when to silence it
and visit with my true self.

Please Note: the above words are me thinking out loud. I am not telling you the reader what to do or how to live your life. This is my perception of my life at this moment. I am only sharing for the sake of broader understanding for myself and anyone who might share the thought, or one like it. Thanks for reading

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Can You Imagine?

 From Out of Her Head

If I could climb inside of you
I could meet God there
and in the hallways of your body
God and I would walk around
and we would gaze in awe
upon the gatherings of your soul
That you hang upon the inside
of this body where you live
and God would stop and say to me
Man I love this one
And I would have to agree
Can you imagine
God and me
Walking through you?

Friday, May 17, 2024


Do you feel
Do you feel you are a fragment
A fragment of something bigger

When you gather
Gather in a room with many others
Do you sense the connection of the 

If you climb
Climb to the top of a mountain
Do you yearn to be a part
Of all you see

When you walk
When you walk upon the Earth
Do your steps seem to make 
The world turn

Is your dreaming
Dreaming of just you
Or are you all the characters
In the dream

Each time you breath
Breath in and then out
Does your truth move that 
Way too

When you talk
Talk to the ones you love
Are you letting them know
Who you really are

Do you feel
Feel like a fragment
A fragment with the power
To bring connection

      Gathered Fragments

Thursday, May 16, 2024

How I Understand It

 A Schematic for Adam

Imagine somewhere in time
let's say back at the very beginning
there was an artist studio
That's all there was
and it was filled with piles of drawings and designs
The artist had visions scrawled on every inch of paper
There were even designs for 
visions, scrawling, inches, and paper
and what these things would look like
Everything was thought out
You could say this artist was obsessive
but you couldn't
because you didn't exist yet;
except you did somewhere in that pile of paper
You were in the design
Everything thought out and placed in the piles
Now as I have come to understand it
the artist would often take breaks
leave the studio to dwell in the darkness
to meditate
The artist would close all the windows
leave one candle lit
called the light of love
and close the door    
Now it is not clear if it was a bad candle holder
There were many different designs of candle holders
or maybe the artist closed the door too swiftly
 The light of love started it all
and there was a real big bang when pressure built up in that studio
Yes that artist had also designed the idea of combustion
That's the story as I understand it
I mean as I was designed to understand it
Please don't tell too many people about this
or it could become a conspiracy theory on the internet
I don't want to get this artist in trouble 
or maybe that's part of the design

Wednesday, May 15, 2024


 Fragments Lost in the Lost Story Place, Wherever That Is

A Thought created from looking at the Image above:

I collect moments

in and out of each and every day

sometimes even in the middle of the night

Moments gather

and fill my pockets

They are mostly made of air and light

These moments remind me that I am here

They look and say hey you were there

They are my baggage and too my joy

can be forgotten, but I cannot destroy

There are moments I hold close

and many I push away

To stop the moments from coming

would be to choose a dying day

You see moments multiply

to let you know you are living

As long as you keep collecting

time will keep on giving

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

I have never seen this

The Place I Was Before
Digitally enhanced version 

I have never seen this

I mean, in reality, something that looks like this.

Well, maybe it is like a bunch of leaves crumpled under a bush.

I was not looking at the leaves as I drew.

I sloshed a bunch of paint on a canvas,

swirled it around and let it dry.

Then I drew into the shapes in the paint

and like the crumpled leaves it was just there.

Into some of the spaces I scrawled my emotional language,

the little lines and shapes

that are a graffiti of sorts that lets you know I was here, or there

and was trying to speak to a divine entity 

who may be able to interpret random scrawling.

I am calling this Abstract Art.

It is a practice, because I do it again and again

with the intent of getting somewhere.

The thought I keep coming to is: if I get to this somewhere some day,

will it still be abstract or will it all become clear?

Friday, May 10, 2024

In The Play

The Art Is In The Play

I created this activity for my exhibit The Art of Play the Play of Art. The purpose is for art gallery visitors to have opportunities for direct contact with a piece of artwork. The piece in this case was sculptural in nature. As a mixed medium sculpture it involved a variety of painted wood shapes, fabric, artificial foliage, wire, string, yarn, bamboo rods, paper and a variety of fasteners. Visitors were invited to look at what had been created previously and change it in some way. Many guests had to be convinced that it was alright to make these changes and that the structure was not the art, but that their engagement with the objects was actually the art. One woman said she was filled with emotion at the idea that in an art gallery she could do such a thing. She loved the opportunity and spent a significant amount of time rearranging the space. 
I know it is important for persons who toil as artists to be recognized for their craft. I also want all people to experience and embrace artful moments that energize their living and draw us all closer together. This concept is an important aspect of what the arts are all about.

The people in artful moments


Thursday, May 9, 2024

Art of Sorts

Catastrophe of Sorts

Where were you when we lost control
and all these colors came out of the hole
The hole that was a result of a lack of attention
by all those present who we will not mention
It was cause for alarm and really quite distressing
The fact we survived is truly a blessing
I remember looking around, you were nowhere to be seen
and it was just at that moment red leapt upon green
Blue teamed with purple and made a move for the door
so I started drawing lines and connected them all to the floor
An artist's work is truly never quite done
If you can't control your colors they will all just run
Keep a hand on your brush and lids on your paints
With no holes in your canvas you should have no complaints

Musing on the image

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Thoughts from a painting

Streams of Information Dreams of Devastation

We are not ready for the machines we have created.
We are still very much children screaming,
"it's not fair, he has more than me!"
"I was here first, so it's mine!"
We are
standing in the cradle
and we can reach the war room table.
We are electing leaders who think this way:
me, mine, only us or U.S.
Let's build a wall!
The walls have already been built around our hearts and souls.
Fear has walled us up for thousands of years.
We are alone and afraid, walled up in our houses, 
our neighborhoods, towns, cities, villages, farms, 
businesses, churches, synagogues, mosques, temples
and sometimes standing in front of family members.

The machines we have created
are for a generation that has taken down the walls,
all the walls,
and understands fear is erased by living together,
communicating and sharing wealth and power,
 not hoarding it. 

I will stop here for now
and give some of myself away.
Yes I created the above image 
and as it formed it spoke to me of information,
streams of information.
We have massive amounts of information
bouncing all around the world.
It has the potential to save us or destroy us.
I see many using it to heal
and many using it to destroy.
Someday I would like to change the title of the piece,
but I, too, still have walls in my way.


Click image to enlarge