Friday, February 26, 2010

Receiving the Call

Sometimes these little dramas come to me when I am working in the shop. I'll take a risk and throw this one out there. This is one side of a phone conversation with the creator. To all editor people feel free to contact me with any ideas on how to better use punctuation to make this work.
Image Title: I will, one day...

God calls and I answer:

God slow down, slow down
what are you so excited about
Oh great, I thought this was going to be a quick call.
I know
it's all terrific
Oh yes I love everything you've done.
Yes I really feel that way
Okay you're right
If you'd left that out I wouldn't have minded
I guess it's the smell
Sure, sure you could have let that go as well.
Well the problem is none of us can agree on how it should be dealt with.
Well it just makes it easier if we can all agree,
all be on the same page so to speak

what do you mean why?
it just seems like it would be easier if all our thinking was the same on the issue.
Yes, Yes I hear what I'm saying.
I know you know me.
What do you mean you know me like the flowers know me?

How the H... I mean how can flowers know me?
I was looking at the flowers on Wednesday
I just haven't had time the last few days.
How are the flowers going to get to know me?
I don't understand.
No, no I guess I don't need to understand.
One more time, tell me.
The flowers need time to get to know me.
God, God
I, I get it. It's not always about me.
You're right it's the control thing again
I just get afraid, I won't...
You gotta get that?
No, no, I'm, I'm good
I know, I know, you made me that way.
Thanks for the call.


Jeff disconected

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