Saturday, June 29, 2024

Father's Day Collaboration

I did another collaboration. On Fathers day I told my family I wanted to paint. So I had them all come over, I put out three primed panels and a bunch of paint and brushes and said pick a color, put a few marks on then pick another color and so on till we fill all three boards. The panel here is the smallest of the three. So once it was dry I started to draw into it.

This is the panel before draw-in


 On this panel I had added a few small pre-painted paper scraps that I glued in before my crew painted. They are the parts with finer detail. This is the panel after I started the draw-in.
I then decided on the second panel(not shown) to add more pre-painted scraps after the crew painted. I will try and do a post with all three of the Father's Day collaborations.

I really enjoy the feeling of connection when allowing others to create the base. I am working now at trying to move beyond just out lining color and to create a feeling of a story or many stories being told at once.
This becomes more of a depiction of our jumbled stories tangling with one another. This is the true challenge of life. How do we make all these stories move together?

                             The panel after draw-in

Friday, June 14, 2024

Of The Beauty

Catch It

Grabbing hold of evening's final light
I can use it to glow in the last dance of the day.
I shall allow the evening's breeze 
to gently toss these limbs in circles around my stance.
I once raced to the sky
now I will bend back toward the earth
and be of the beauty all the way.

Wednesday, June 12, 2024


A collection
of moments
held in paint
Each stroke of paint
 holds a little story, 
vibration of life
 fragment of thought.
a sign of still
being here

I am here
till I do this no longer
I will be a vibration
for tomorrow
a fragment
of lingering

paint me
sing me
dance me

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

The Surge

 The Surge

If the spirit is allowed to take root
It winds its way among us like a vine
Entangling us
Enfolding us
Sweeping us up
In its surge
Toward the divine

Sunday, June 9, 2024

Caught Up In It!

Eye See

I keep finding myself

caught in the movement

of line and color.

Sometimes I define myself as the line,

probably a control thing.

The color seems so out of control.

Is it the line that defines the color

or does the color simply allow the line

a place to be?

The color says, "sure, outline me, 

run lines through me, 

shade me in, 

you can even black me out!"

The color does not care.

The color knows it is there

and in control,

I think.

Still caught up in it 

so I don't really know

what's going on.

Random thought brought to you by art play.

Wednesday, June 5, 2024


 On My Way Into Town

This is a new thing.
I let people paint what ever they want on a board or canvas.
Then I draw into it. 

I love this!
I am free of the color placement and surprised by where the line goes.

It is a collaboration.

Below is a section of the above work before I drew into it.
I started two friends off, with a few strokes of red and green and then walked away.
A true collaboration of play.