Sunday, October 23, 2016

Tangled in a Memory

tangled in a memory
still reaching to the source, 
the source
from which life came, 
from which all life comes;
a source so dangerous 
that to reach too closely
will end the life it dealt;
we are in the right place
not too close
not too far
where we need to be;
but still we reach
out from the gift 
of place that we inhabit
to return
to a memory
to the time we can not remember
when we were the source
we were the light
before we were structure
with spark
we road the solar wind
it is a memory
but not clear
for if it were clear
we would not need to reach
until the day our structure crumbles 
and the spark goes home.


I think there is more to this rambling thought, but i will stop here for now