Sometimes it is hard to know when to stop. I started this sculpture as a random abstract wood cut out. Each of the three layers was a single color, but then I started adding paint and small fragments of photographs into it. So it became a study to see where it would go and this is where I stopped. I have not added any thing in about four months so I think the experience of it is over. I call it "If I Were You I'd Go That Way"
Some how the face and form that merged out of the playing with these pieces of wood seems to be pointing to places to go. Not sure what that's about.
Stands about 4'x2'
The close up shot shows a labor of love. The black lines represent my feeling that any collection of abstract random line or shape can evoke feeling. This is another attempt of mine to create emotional language. I drew it now I am looking for someone to read it; I am sure it says something.
Jeff Going to far, or maybe not.