Wednesday, December 11, 2024

Pictures in Trees

 I believe that the natural world has a consciousness

Sometimes it says hello

And then sometimes I take it farther

This is an image created on my phone

Looking out the

window I snapped

this picture

Thought I saw

a face

so I drew a face

My Camera has all

these filters

so I add some to my


up top is what I got

I think my Phone 

has a


Monday, December 9, 2024

Across the Line

Across the Line


There is no line
but the one I create in my mind
This universe is your universe
This universe is my universe
And yet there is truly no you and I
No your and my 
for we are one
We are together the consciousness of this universe
I am working at realizing this
it is a life long work

Saturday, October 19, 2024

More Connection Image

There are lines

we don't always see.

They connect us

to each other

and our many planes

of existence.

These are the lines

I have made visible

as they move between

the planes.

I do not see them

I only feel them, 

then imagine them.

We are connected.

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Comfortable Being Lost?

In Process
 I came to the realization the

other day that it seem like if you 

create or want to own abstract art 

you have to be comfortable with 

being lost. The image to the right

is being worked on at the writing 

of this blog post. It is in process, 

that is not its title. I keep adding 

elements and I am never sure 

where it will go next. I tend 

to spend long moments just staring 

at it and then all of a sudden adding something. 

It is as if I was lost in the woods with several directions I could

go in and then I just choose and go. With so many choices of

directions I could go in I think that is what keeps me making

art. Once I finish one piece with all its directional choices I start

over saying well let's take a different path.

So the next time you are looking at an abstract piece of art 

ask yourself am I comfortable with being lost or do I need the 

way to be clear. The art is not just about the artist, it is also 

about you.

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Summer Project

 I spent my summer on a different art form. The art of crafting built-in bookshelves, radiator covers and Built-in Benches. This is actually what I do to make a living and it is truly an art form. I still prefer more colorful and abstract forms of creativity, but people rarely want that in a bookshelf.

The Bookshelf is like an alter in the home. It is often the place that defines you. It tells visitor, "this is who I am." Besides holding books that interest you or have shaped your life, it holds momentous of travels, pictures of loved ones or art that inspires you.

In the long process of a job this size I often have to remind myself I am making a place for a family to be and be comfortable. As an artist I find it difficult to make box after box, which is what cabinet making is, and not get board. Remembering I am making a home more comfortable for others is often what I use to keep me going.


Monday, August 5, 2024

Cloudy Waters

Cloudy Waters


This is a Photo taken with a cell phone. Clouds reflecting in the water enhanced by a filter that Out lined the ripples on the water. The straight lines at the bottom are vibrations from my kayak. I really enjoy the reflected world.